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Britain's prince Charles and others view about christmas.

via bcnn news Christmas is different things to different people it seems, and that's no surprise. For most, if recent surveys are correct, it's just a wonderful time to reconnect with family and friends, exchange presents, and, perhaps, consume too many calories. This week, the District-based Public Religion Research Institute reported "more than one-quarter (26 percent) of Americans celebrating Christmas this year will do so largely as a non-religious holiday."For those who do believe, Christmas is first an occasion to commemorate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the long-promised Messiah of Israel (Isaiah 7:14) and the savior of the world. While the actual birth of Christ most likely did not take place on Dec. 25 -- differing scholars have said either the spring or the early autumn -- the date has become a time when the majority of Christians mark the occasion. It won't be a "Merry Christmas" for many Christians, however, and not solely tho

'I saw heavenly ball of light' said Fanatic group leader

via According to  Paul Ciniraj Ministries , which concentrates on evangelizing India and the Third World and winning souls unto Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching and doing charitable works. They donate Bibles in all different Indian languages and distribute the Scriptures to the sick, poor, needy and gentiles, also share the Good News with Muslims who form an underground church in India and the Third World Nations. Here is a story of Rashid, who was a commander of a fanatic movement, who were planning either convert back or wipe out Muslim converts to Christianity in India and other Asian countries. Some of their ooperations were great success. Their organization found out about Pastor Paul Ciniraj, a former Muslim and the group of his ministries boldly evangelising people, specially Muslims. So they wanted to give him a big shock by destroying his family and wanted to bring him back to Islam as a good weapon against christianity. And Rashid voluntarily to

Satanists Trying to Combat 10 Commandments Display at Oklahoma Capitol

source; A Satanic group is looking to counterbalance the presence of a Ten Commandments display outside the Oklahoma state capitol with a monument of its own -- a so called "homage" to Satan. The Satanic Temple, a New York City-based religious group, officially offered a monument to the Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission, a committee that manages the capitol's grounds, according to a press release put out by the religious group.It is unclear what messages or symbols The Satanic Temple's display would include. Spokesperson Lucien Greaves told Friendly Atheist blogger Hemant Mehta this week that the commission has already responded to the proposal, which the government received on Nov. 21."I can happily report that we have very recently heard back from the commission," Greaves said. "The representative was extremely polite and friendly and sent us the form needed to accompany the design for our proposed monument.&q

Bishop: Sudan's Christians 'Are On the Cross' Daily

via cbn news Twenty-two years of war between North and South Sudan ended when southerners gained independence in July 2011. But fighting in disputed areas of Sudan has continued as Khartoum attempts to control and Islamize non-Arabs by waging jihad on regions like Sudan's Nuba Mountains. A prominent Sudanese bishop is in Washington this week asking Americans to help alleviate the suffering. Macram Gassis, bishop of Sudan's El-Obeid Diocese, said Christians and others in the Nubas are still suffering at the hands of the Islamist regime."They are on the cross in a special way because bombing is daily, the Khartoum government has sealed all the entrances into the Nuba Mountains," Gassis explained. "So, there is no food, no medicine, no fuel, no nothing."Not far from the Nuba Mountains, near the border between Sudan and South Sudan, is the disputed region of Abiye. During recent referendum, the people of Abiye voted to join South Sudan, something Sudan

'Silence the Biggest Help' to Anti-Christian, Anti-Semitism

via cbn news As Jews and Christians worldwide face a growing wave of persecution, one Jewish leader is saying the two groups must stand together to confront increasing violence."I will not be silent and we will not be silent," Ron Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress told Christians recently about Jewish support for persecuted Christians. In September, Lauder spoke at the annual International Christian Embassy Jerusalem's Feast of Tabernacles celebration where thousands of Christians were in attendance."Silence is the biggest help to anti-Semitism, or anti-Christian. One of the things we are seeing over and over again is that when you talk out, you fight back, people react," Lauder told CBN News. Historians blame public apathy for helping lead to the horrors of World War II. The World Jewish Congress, founded in 1936, became the diplomatic arm for Jewish people worldwide."We see the same recurrence we saw in the 1930s and it's very

Homosexual Men Push to End 30 Year Blood Donation Ban

source; A push by activists to ease the 30-year-old blanket ban on blood donations from gay and bisexual men faces a key test this week as a federal panel hears results of the latest research. The findings will be released amid growing pressure from politicians and advocates, including college students, to change the policy. Critics say the ban is a hangover from the early, fear-filled days of AIDS, stigmatizing gay men and ignoring advances in treatment and detection in the decades since.Supporters of the policy say politics, not science, is driving the proposed change, which would heighten the risk of spreading HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, when the medical demand for blood donations is decreasing.Under Food and Drug Administration rules, men who have had sex with men (MSM) since 1977 are ineligible to donate blood. An acknowledgment of having male homosexual relations at any time in one's life is enough to disqualify a potential donor. "This policy

Persecuted Pastor's Unshakable Faith Inspires Inmates to Accept Christ As Gospel for Asia pastor Ugyen Tashi entered the prison, three iron gates loomed before him like grim sentinels.His heart felt cold when he passed through the first gate. At the second gate, a searing realization came over him: He would not see the outside world for a few years. He would be cut off from his wife, his infant daughter and his fellow believers.The third gate led him into the dark, cramped cell that would now be his home. As he entered, the high walls seemed to close in on him.“I could not see anything except the sky,” he remembers. Pastor Ugyen had been branded an enemy of his country for sharing the love of Christ, yet he knew God had allowed his prison sentence for a reason. The Gospel for Asia (GFA) national missionary would have three years to tell the murderers, drug addicts and thieves he would now live with about the One who came to break their shackles of bondage and set them truly free.“Our Lord had to go through inhuman beating and humiliat

Largest Pentecostal Groups in the US Gather in Historic Meeting to 'Heal Scars'

         Leaders from the Assemblies of God and Church of God in Christ participated in a historic meeting in Springfield, Mo., earlier this week, marking the first time two of America's largest Pentecostal movements gathered for dialogue. "This is a wonderful day,"  said  AG General Superintendent George O. Wood. "Meeting with our like-minded brothers from the Church of God in Christ is something we and the leadership of COGIC have longed to do for years, and now it has finally happened!" During a chapel service, Wood reflected that the long-standing separation between the two groups occurred because of the racial culture in America almost a century ago, which shaped the church rather than the Bible. He added that the meeting represents a step toward healing that rift and moving forward. COGIC leaders who attended the meeting included current Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake Sr., who also pastors the 24,000-member West Angeles COGIC in Los Angeles; First Assis

Israel Orders Deportation of Jews for Jesus Worker

source; An Israeli immigration judge has ordered the deportation of a Messianic Jewish man from England who was arrested last week for taking part in an evangelistic event in southern Israel, reports Dan Wooding, Founder of   ASSIST Ministries . According to Morning Star News (, Barry Barnett, 50, a worker with Jews for Jesus UK, was ordered on Sunday (Nov. 24) to leave the country by Dec. 3. Barnett, who is based in England, was volunteering at the Jews for Jesus “Behold your God Israel” campaign around the city of Be’er Shiva when he was arrested Wednesday (Nov. 20) at about 4 p.m. According to his wife, Alison Barnett, six immigration control officers took him from Be’er Shiva, 125 kilometers (78 miles) south of Jerusalem, to an immigration office in Omer, just outside of the city. He was held there for several hours without charge, then transferred to an immigration-holding unit of a prison in Ramle, near Tel Aviv. He spent four days in jai

'My Hope with Billy Graham' Campaign to Continue for the Next Five Years

Reporting: Franklin Graham Millions of people across the United States and Canada watched the My Hope with Billy Graham program over the last few weeks. My father's message, The Cross, has been broadcast on hundreds of TV stations and shown in thousands of churches and homes. It will be several more weeks before we know the full impact, but we already know of tens of thousands of people who have shared with us that they gave their lives to the Savior in repentance and faith. Praise God! One pastor of a very large congregation told me his church had 1,300 small groups that met in homes and neighborhoods to watch The Cross, and an average of more than two people came to Christ in each group. He told me he expected up to 3,000 more people than usual to attend his church the next Sunday. The pastor could hardly believe it. Since my father had asked Christians to invite unsaved friends to watch the broadcast, he wanted to do the same. He had more than 900 guests for a gathering near his

End times will bring greater persecution to Christians, Pope says

In his daily homily Pope Francis reflected on the end times, saying that faith will be increasingly  pushed out of the public square and that persecution of Christians is a “prophecy of what is to come, reports   Catholic News Agency . The Pope directed his comments to those gathered in the chapel of the Vatican's Saint Martha guesthouse for his daily Mass on Nov. 28. Reflecting on the day's reading taken from the Gospel of Luke, in which Jesus speaks of the trials and tribulations that will precede the end times, the pontiff explained that when the Lord refers to this in another passage, “he tells us that it will be a desecration of the temple.” It will be “a profanation of the faith, of the people,” he continued, and “it will be an abomination, it will be desolation and abomination.” “What does this mean?” the Pope asked the Mass attendees, responding, “It will be like the triumph of the prince of this world: the defeat of God.” “It seems at that final moment of calamity, it