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Imam Attaul Mujib Rashed on the topic of Islamic teaching on ideal family life

Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Liverpool arranged a talk with Imam Attaul Mujib Rashed, Imam of London Mosque, on the topic of Islamic teachings on Ideal Family Life. This event was also attended by Mr. Nisar Orchard (National Secretary Religious Upbringing), Malik Muhammad Akram (Imam of Darul Aman Mosque Manchester) and Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Cllr Gary Millar, along with his delegation. Around 100 people from different faiths and professions attended the event that was held at Devonshire House Hotel.Ahmadiyya Muslim Association is a global movement established in more than 200 countries of the world. The movement works with a motto “Love for all, Hatred for None” that in reality is the true message of Islam.. more brief

Charitable works, confession and Mass fill Holy Week for Indonesian Catholics

 During Holy Week, the Indonesian Church is a beehive of activities that can only boost the ties between clergy and the community. The many initiatives undertaken for the Easter of Resurrection include fundraisers for diocesan projects, regular Masses, confession, audio and video productions to help the faithful prepare for the celebration, not to mention many prayers and Chrism Masses. Unlike Christmas, which is seen as a time of joy and celebration, Easter is a time for meditation, devotions and a deep introspection into the faith, its principles and values. This Lent, the Archdiocese of Jakarta handed out cardboard boxes to families to encourage them to "save" some money for Church projects and social initiatives, open to Catholics and non-Catholics alike. However, the values ​​and expectations associated with Easter are the most intense in spiritual terms. This is especially true for Confession, a sacrament that allows believers to turn to the Church to have their sins fo

Fr Ray Kelly ALIAS ''Singing Priest'' Success Video

                 An Irish priest who surprised wedding guests with his version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah says he is flabbergasted that it has received more than 28 million views online. Fr Ray Kelly has sung the song with new, marriage-themed lyrics at weddings for four years, but his performance earlier this month travelled around the world. "This morning, I was on Polish television over Skype and I did an interview with New Zealand radio, I'm doing a magazine interview later and a television crew is coming down today to film a document tary,"he.... more brief                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Protest against Rape Of Catholic Youth

More than 100 Christians and Muslims demonstrated yesterday in Dhaka against the gang rape suffered by a young Catholic woman. The violence took place on April 14 in Mohammadour , a district of the capital, during the celebration of the Bengali New Year. She was attacked by four Muslim boys . The victim, a 21-year old ethnic Garo , survived and reported them. The young woman called Mary Thigidi Purnima and is native of the parish of Mariamnagar , in the diocese of Mymensingh . She works in Dhaka as a beautician in the "Person" beauty center. On the day of the attack the victim was going to celebrate with a cousin when four Muslim boys accosted her, dragged her away and raped her. After the violence Purnima was able to call her brother in law, who was looking for her . After finding her, the girl filed a complaint against her attackers and one of them - Alif Ahmed - has already been arrested . The police is on the trail of the others... more brief

Culprit to ''JIHAD JANE'' To Be Sentenced In PA

A Maryland teen convicted with two women in a Jihadist terror plot is set to be sentenced in Philadelphia.Mohammad Hassan Khalid of Ellicott City, Md., is linked to the case of 50-year-old Colleen "Jihad Jane" LaRose, who was sentenced in January to 10 years in prison.The FBI says Khalid met LaRose and other extremists online when he was a 15-year-old honors student, and agreed to help them. He is the rare juvenile detained on federal terrorism charges before turning 18. In court documents, U.S. prosecutors say the 20-year-old native of Pakistan has assisted with global terrorism investigations since his 2011 arrest.. More brief

OIC Beckons For Immediate Release Of Kidnapped Tennage Girls In Nigeria

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has strongly condemned the abduction of more than a hundred girls on Tuesday from their school in North Eastern Nigeria, and called for their immediate release and safe return to their homes. Secretary General Iyad Ameen Madani stressed the importance of girls’ education and the role of women in Islam, and insisted that there was no excuse whatsoever for this criminal action which tarnishes the good image of Islam, a tolerant and moderate religion that rejects extremism in all its forms and manifestations. Madani reiterated the principled position of the OIC against extremism and terrorism as well as prejudices against women, and restated the solidarity of the OIC with the authorities in Nigeria in their efforts to combat violent extremism... more brief

One Of Ecuadors First Believer Is Dead

The first Believer among the Waodani, previously known as Auca, language community in Ecuador, Dayuma Caento, died on March 1, 2014. (Photo via Christianity Today) According to a missionary prayer update from Wycliffe associates, she was approximately 80 years old. In 1956, five missionaries lost their lives attempting to make contact with this group. Two years later, God used Dayuma to open the way for Elizabeth Elliot and Rachel Saint to begin language work among the Waodani. Dayuma helped to build a cultural bridge between the Waodani and the rest of the world. She also served with Rachel Saint in translating the Waodani New Testament... more brief

Importance of the Prophet’s Sunnah;The second revelation of Allah

As the Qur’an is revelation of Allah to Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Sunnah likewise — not a third of it; not half of it; not two-thirds of it; not three-fourths of it; and not nine-tenths of it — all of it is the second revelation of Allah to His Messenger (peace be upon him). The Most High has said: “And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it), and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is severe in punishment.” (Qur’an, 59:7) The Most High has said: “Nor does he speak of (his own) desire. It is only an inspiration that is inspired.” (Qur’an, 53:3-4) The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Indeed I have been given the Qur’an and that which is similar to it along with it." (Ahmad in Al-Musnad 28/410 and Abu Dawood in the Book of Sunnah; Chapter: Clinging to the Sunnah).. more brief

'ANGLICANS ABLAZE'-History,Growth And Testimonies in SA

Anglicans Ablaze is one of Africa's largest and most popular Christian gatherings. What began as a two day meeting to "seek and listen to God's will" for the Church in Southern Africa has become a major conference for the whole Church.In 2010, around twenty leaders from across the Anglican Church of Southern Africa (ACSA) met in the city of Kloof in South Africa reports allAfrica. After time spent in prayer and worship they received words and pictures regarding this conference. "God spoke to us and we began to plan," said the Revd Trevor Pearce, Director for the provincial church growth institute called Growing the Church (GtC) which is organising the Anglicans Ablaze conference."Our first conference was a provincial leaders conference and took place in the city of Durban in October 2011. The aim was to listen to the needs of our people, share the vision for a life-changing event, inspire people and prepare for a much larger event to take place in 2012,

Nigerian military denies targeting Muslims in its operations

The Nigerian military on Tuesday rejected the allegation that soldiers were carrying out attacks aimed at killing Muslims. The military described a statement issued by the Jama'atul Nasril Islam, JNI, alleging extra-judicial killing of Muslims as 'inflammatory.'The JNI had issued a statement on Monday accusing the military of carrying out attacks targeted at unharmed Muslims. The JNI is a coalition of Islamic organisations in Nigeria and is headed by the Sultan of Sokoto, Saad Abubakar.In its response, the Director of Defence Information, Chris Olukolade, said in a statement that JNI's statement was false and was meant to cause disaffection within the military. Mr. Olukolade said although the military would not join issues with the reputable religious group, it would, however, set the records straight."The Nigerian military remains non-partisan, non-sectarian and will continue to be the symbol of patriotism and a unifying factor in the face of threats to national s

Greeks go on strike ahead of Merkel visit

Greek labour unions are staging a nationwide strike to protest against austerity policies imposed on the country by its foreign creditors, including Germany, whose chancellor, Angela Merkel, will visit Athens this week.Schools and pharmacies were shut, ships remained docked at ports, hospitals operated on emergency staff and transport in Athens was disrupted on Wednesday due to the walkout called by private sector union, the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE), and its public sector counterpart, the Civil Servants' Confederation (ADEDY). Thousands of striking workers, pensioners and the unemployed were expected to march to parliament around noon reports Aljazeera English "This is our answer to the dead-end policies that have squeezed workers and made Greek people miserable," GSEE said in a statement. "We are striking and fighting to put an end to austerity". Unions said their anti-austerity message was also aimed at Merkel, who is due to meet Greek Pri

New Islamic Training Centres Aims To Build Bridges In Switzaland

“The project is now moving into its operational phase,” Antonio Loprieno, rector of the University of Basel, who has chaired the working group for the course for the past two years, told new inter-faculty Islamic training centre will provide courses for imams on Swiss culture and society context, courses for social services, courses for health professionals on accommodating the Muslim community and, ultimately, a training programme for new imams. Despite fears expressed by some opponents to the new Islamic training centre, a conference held in Fribourg in March moved the planning process forward.“I am happy to confirm that a major step has been made,” Hicham Maizar, of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Switzerland and current president of the Swiss Council of Religions roports muslimtimes. “Muslims have lived in Switzerland for 50 years. We should therefore build bridges between them, society and the authorities. From the beginning, we have staked a lot on dia

Queen Eliabeth Officially Visit Pope Francis

Following the lunch hosted by Italian president Georgia Napolitano at the  Quirinale Palace  ,was a courtesy visit to Vatican city,Rome by the couples(Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip).Queen Elizabeth II, clothed in Lilac-coloured spring coat,arrived Ciampino airport with her husband earlier today. Welcomed to Vatican city,was a gift for her royal Grandson  at the Paul II hall, Rome.. more brief Image: Huffpost Religion

Imam Shamshad Visits Two Inland Empire Mayors

Imam Shamshad’s mission is to inform the citizens of Southern California in general — and its religious and civic leaders in particular — about the true teachings of Islam and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s Baitul Hameed Mosque on Ramona Ave. in Chino is celebrating its 25th anniversary in July, and its Imam, Shamshad A. Nasir, is on a mission — a public relations mission that’s been on-going since the mosque was built and which he has continued since being stationed at the Chino Mosque as the worldwide Ahmadiyya Community’s southwest regional missionary in the U.S More Brief

Video- Tribute song to the three_ year_Syrian boy murdered in cold blood

We shared a post recently about the three year Syrian boy who was murdered in cold blood The memory are still fresh on the minds of people as we got a video message from Revi Sandor Sunny,Budapest, about a song he did dedicate to the youngster Dear Editorial, Memorial Song For The 3-Year-Old Syrian Little Boy Who Said Before He Died: " I’m Gonna Tell God Everything " " I dedicate this song to this wonderful Syrian 3-year-old  little strong man. My little friend, I'm sure you are now in the best hands in Heaven. I hug you and I thank you for your gorgeous message  in the name of mankind. Sunny " Watch video:

Uganda Penalized Over anti-gay law

 After enacting into law the anti-gay legislation, Uganda is being purnished for that. Aids and loans were severely cut down by World bank and Europian Countries to Uganda.The question is,will Uganda have a change of mind over Homosexual? Lets wait and see the reaction of Uganda President,Yoweri Museveni,his advisers and supporters of the anti-gay law But it is not the only country to pass such measures recently; Nigeria and Russia have passed similar laws.  So, why is Uganda being singled out? And what is the reason for the increasing number of anti-gay laws in many parts of the world reports Al Jazeera

Pope Francis Sick With Fever: Pontiff Cancels Seminary Visit In Order To Rest, Following Doctor's Orders

Pope Francis canceled a visit to Rome's main seminary Friday after coming down with a fever.The 77-year-old Francis, who lost part of a lung to an infection in his youth, was due to leave the Vatican and visit with seminarians Friday evening. But 30 minutes before he was due to arrive, Vatican guards told journalists at the seminary that he was ill and the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, later confirmed he had come down with a slight fever and wouldn't attend.Doctors said he should rest, Lombardi said. It was the second known time Francis has canceled an appearance due to illness in the year since he's been pope. On Nov. 15, he scrapped his morning audiences because he came down with a cold.. more brief

Christian missionary arrested in NorthKorea

He 75-year-old Australian is the second foreign  Christian missionary to be held by North Korea. The above image is John Short,75, who is being arrested in Pyongyang, North Korea. 'This is his second trip to North Korea and has not been back since 3 days(48 hours). I'm not upset,we'r christian missionaries and we have tremendous support for what we do', Karen Short, John's wife told Reuters news agency on Wednesday Records show he is the second christian missionary being held captive by  North Korea,seconded ,is Karen Bae ,a South Korean with U.S citizenship. T he family's press release also reported the tour company as saying that North Korean officials had refused to take their calls. Pyongyang has not confirmed Short's detention. The Australian government, which does not have diplomatic relations with North Korea, is using its consulate in Seoul and the Swedish embassy in Pyongyang to handle the case.  “We are in close contact with Swedish officials in Py

Satanists deny Membership of Craiglist killer Miranda Barbour

After Pennsylvania woman Miranda Barbour,19, revealed that she and her newlywed husband murdered Troy LeFerrara in November after meeting him on Craiglist, Satanists are trying to distance themselves from the murderer.  "According to our records, we have never had any contact from this woman, nor her accomplice," Magus Peter Gilmore, head priest of the Church of Satan, told CNN. "It seems to me that she is calling herself a member of a 'satanic cult,' not a legally incorporated above-ground form of satanism."   ... more brief She is currently been interviewed in Jail house 

Aged town of about 2,300 years is discovered in Isreal

image||Huffpost This town is said to have been discovered on a remote part in Jerusalem. The announcement was made by  Israel Antiquities Authorities, IAA. Over 8,000 square feet,a few single-family stone houses,each containing several room rooms and an open courtyard. Also dozen of coins, cooking pots, milling tools and  jars for storing oil and wine, among others. Megan Gannon  for Huffpost.. more brief

Indonesia new CSW report warns of growing religious intolerance

CSW’s new report on Indonesia, which will be launched on 25 February in the UK Parliament, warns that ‘Religious intolerance is no longer confined to areas such as West Java and Aceh, known to be particularly conservative, nor is it confined to Christians and Ahmadis. Shi’a Muslims, Sufi Muslims, Confucians, Buddhists, Hindus, Baha’is, Jews, traditional indigenous believers and atheists are all under attack.’ The report, Indonesia: Pluralism in Peril – The rise of religious intolerance across the archipelago, draws on more than 15 years of work in Indonesia by CSW and contains first-hand testimonies and comprehensive analysis of trends such as impunity in crimes against religious minorities and the criminalisation of the victims of persecution. The launch event at the House of Commons is co-hosted by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on International Freedom of Religion or Belief, the APPG for Indonesia and the APPG for Ahmadiyya. It will be presented in the European Parliament

Bobby Jindal: Anti-Discrimination Laws,cause of ''Silent War On Religious Liberty''

“These days we think this diversity of belief is  tolerated under our law and Constitution,"  Jindal said || youtube Video below Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) delivered a scathing  attack  on the Obama administration at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library Thursday night, saying an “onslaught of lawsuits based on anti-discrimination” laws amount to a “silent war on religious liberty.” “These days we think this diversity of belief is tolerated under our law and Constitution," Jindal said. "But that’s wrong. This diversity of belief is the foundation of our law and Constitution. America does not sustain and create faith. Faith created and sustains America.”Jindal, a practicing Catholic raised by Hindu parents, accused President Barack Obama and "a group of like-minded elites" of eroding the rights of religious Americans by burdening devout businesses with anti-discriminatory same-sex marriage laws and federally mandated health insurance coverag

Valentines Day a "Threat to muslim values" Authorities said

The marriage rites took place at the Thean Hon Temple in capital Kuala  Lumpur || AJE Malaysian authorities have said Valentine's Day is a threat to Muslim values in their annual swipe at the February 14 occasion, which was marked with a mass wedding involving 138 couples. In its official Friday sermon text distributed to mosques in the Muslim-majority country, the Malaysian Islamic Development Department blamed Valentine's Day for everything from alcoholism to abortion. "Social ceremonies such as this are a stepping-stone towards greater social ills such as fraud, mental disorder caused by alcohol, abortion and baby-dumping, and other negative ills that can invite disaster and moral decay among youths," it said.Known by its Malay-language acronym JAKIM, the department is an official watchdog of Muslim values. It regularly denounces Valentine's Day as encouraging vice and promiscuity. More than 60 percent of Malaysia's 28 million people are Muslim ethnic Malay

Severe killings of Bystanders, reportedly buddist monks

Four gunmen opened fire at a group of villagers paying respect to a Buddhist monk in Mae Lan district in Pattani province on Thursday, police Colonel Sathit Polpinit told the Associated Press news agency.A 68-year-old monk, a woman and her 13-year-old son and another woman were killed in the Thursday morning attack, Polpinit said, adding that six others, including a police officer, were wounded.It is the second time in three weeks that a Buddhist monk has been shot dead.Police said the recent killings could be revenge attacks for the deaths of three young Muslim brothers. Also On Wednesday evening in Pattani's Yaring district, a 29-year-old Buddhist woman riding a motorcycle was shot dead and her body was set on fire, according to police.A note left at the scene said: "To the army chief: this is not the last body for the three brothers." The brothers, aged three, five and nine, were gunned down last week in front of their home in neighbouring Narathiwat province after ret

Namibian Pastor Calls for Suspension of Okahao Parish

A WESTERN Diocese Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) pastor has called for the suspension of Okahao Parish activities pending the resolution of the problems that have besieged the church. Pastor Ferdinand Nashidengo's calls come after Okahao parishioners boycotted a service that was supposed to have been conducted by Bishop Josephat Shanghala at the weekend.The parishioners also booed at the bishop as their way of protesting the transfer of Pastor Hulda Shau-Aitana from the church. The decision to transfer Shau-Aitana was made in 2012, and no reasons were given reports   Allafrica news agency. Church members even presented a petition to the Presiding ELCIN Bishop Shakutamba Nambala, and the church council in Oniipa over the issue.In the petition, the members accused Bishop Shanghala of failing to lead the diocese, especially regarding the transfer of Shau-Aitana, which they described as unreasonable. Shanghala, who retires this month, had visited the parish with the ho

Weeping Virgin Mary Statue In Tarshiha, Israel, Draws Hundreds To See 'Miracle'

Hundreds of people have flocked to a small town in northern Israel to view a statue of the Virgin Mary that residents say "weeps" oil. Members of a Christian family from Tarshiha, near the Lebanon border, say they have witnessed a miracle in their living room. Osama Khoury said Tuesday that his wife Amira found the statue "covered with oil" recently. Amira said the statue "spoke to her" and told her not to be afraid. After a neighbor witnessed the oil, word soon spread.Parts of the statue appear to be slick with moisture, even after it is wiped off.The family says it is most striking when a "tear" seems to roll down the statue's cheek.. more brief more image below: courtesy: huffpost

Pakistani-born Imam arrested in Sydney over child Marriage

Muslim cleric was charged in Australia with conducting illegal marriage  between 26-year-old man and 12-year-old girl || tribune A Muslim cleric was Tuesday charged in Australia with conducting an illegal marriage between a 26-year-old man and a 12-year-old girl. It follows the arrest of a Lebanese national – the “husband” – last week on child sex offences.Police said the imam, reportedly Pakistan-born, was arrested in Sydney on Monday afternoon by the Child Abuse Squad and charged with solemnization of a marriage by an unauthorized person.He was granted strict conditional bail to appear in court on April 2. Last week police revealed that the Lebanese man, in Australia on a student visa, met a 12-year-old girl in the Hunter region north of Sydney in 2013 and allegedly became involved in a sexual relationship with her.The pair then allegedly moved to Sydney where they continued the relationship, with police claiming the man and child were married in an Islamic ceremony earlier this year

Frankenstein and the Bible

Mary Shelley's  Frankenstein  was published in London in the early 1800's well after the Jewish legend of the Golem-creature who protected 16th century Jews in Prague Although there are some differences between the story lines, the similarities between Frankenstein and the Golem are striking: For starters, they were both big and scary with superhuman strength. Plus, they both had to be Jewish. I mean, most of my Jewish relatives have names that end in "-stein"... Goldstein, Silverstein, Frankenstein... you name it. And my own Grandma swore that my Grandpa looked like a Golem. And just to drive home my logical deductions even more, the Talmud talks about a Golem being created who couldn't communicate verbally (Sanhedrin 65B) and it seems pretty clear that Frankenstein doesn't utter any intelligible language known to man. Either that or Frankie works as a NYC subway operator. Although the Talmud may have spoke about Golems, Isaiah spoke about "wearying"

Osun gov, Omisore worship together at Catholic pilgrimage centre

Nigeria Osun State  governor, Mr. Rauf Aregbesola and his main challenger in the August governorship election, Senator Iyiola Omisore, weekend, despite  their political differences worshiped together at the annual Oke-Maria Pilgrimage, at Otan-Ayegbaju, Boluwaduro Local Government Area of the state. The Catholic Archbishop of Ibadan and Apostolic Administrator of Osogbo Catholic Diocese of Osogbo, Most Rev. Gabriel Abegunrin had  announced the likely attendance of the duo around 10.00pm on Saturday , urging devotees at the 'Maria Shrine' (prayer mountain), to shelve their political differences.. more brief

8 people killed in attack on sufi gathering

Gunmen threw grenades at a Sufi Islamic religious gathering on Sunday in the port city of Karachi and then opened fire on the people assembled to offer prayers, killing eight, officials said. Eight others were wounded in the attack, said Aftab Chanur, an official at a hospital where the injured were taken. The four gunmen, who were on motorcycles, first lobbed grenades at a building where a Sufi cleric was receiving his followers, then raked it with automatic fire, said Javed Odho, a police official. He said women and children were among the dead and wounded. Pakistan is 95 percent Muslim, and the majority practice Sufism, a mystical branch of Islam. But Sufi shrines and followers have come under attack from Sunni Muslim militants who do not consider them to be true Muslims. No one claimed responsibility for the attack. But suspicion is likely to fall on the Pakistani Taliban or their affiliated sectarian groups, which follow a strict interpretation of Islam that considers many other M

An Arab-Iranian poet has been sentenced to death for ''waging war on God''

An Arab-Iranian poet and human rights activist, Hashem Shaabani, has been executed for being an "enemy of God" and threatening national security, according to local human rights groups. Shaabani and a man named Hadi Rashedi were hanged in unidentified prison on January 27,  rights groups   have said.Shaabani, who spoke out against the treatment of ethnic Arabs in the province of Khuzestan, had been in prison since February or March 2011 after being arrested for being a Mohareb, or "enemy of God". Last July, the Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal found Shaabani and 13 other people guilty of "waging war on God" and spreading "corruption on earth".The 32-year-old was the founder of Dialogue Institute and was popular for his Arabic and Persian poems. In 2012, he appeared on Iran's state-owned Press TV, where human rights groups say he was forced to confess to "separatist terrorism".According to BBC Persian, officials from the Ministry of In

Tony and Lauren Dungy Reveal Keys to Their Successful Yet 'Uncommon Marriage;' to Host Simulcast Event to Encourage Christian Couples Tony Dungy, history-making NFL coach and bestselling author, has penned with wife Lauren Dungy a new book titled '' Uncommon Marriage: Learning about Lasting Love and Overcoming Life's Obstacles Togethe''r  that gives an intimate look at how the evangelical Christian couple has managed to keep their relationship thriving for 31 years. "We've learned there's no secret formula to a happy marriage," says Mr. Dungy in a preview video  of the book. "We've walked together hand-in-hand to meet life's challenges head-on." "We don't feel like experts, but we do have a story to share and principles we've learned that we hope can connect with issues you're experiencing in your marriage," says Mrs. Dungy. Calling the book-writing experience a walk down memory lane, she adds, "It has given Tony and me the chance to reflect on the many experiences we've shared, and to be reminded of wha

Christian association of Nigeria task Government over Killings in Plateau State

The leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in Kaduna State Thursday called on the federal government to address the frequent attacks on communities in the Southern part of Kaduna state and Plateau state before the situation degenerates into genocide. The CAN warning came following the recent killings of over 30 persons in Riyom Local government of Plateau State which shares border with Kaura Local Government of Kaduna state. Addressing a press conference in Kaduna on Thursday, the state Chairman of the of the association, Bishop George Dodo, also condemned the weekend killing of Zaria-based Islamic cleric, Sheikh Mohammed Awwal-Albani, along with his son and wife.Dodo said the attacks being unleashed on communities in Southern Kaduna and Plateau state were unacceptable

A Califonia pastor has been arrested for having sex with one of the teenage girls he took into custody, injuring his dog too

BCCN1 A California pastor was arrested for allegedly injuring his dog and having sex with one of the two teenage girls he had taken under his wing.33-year-old Hyo Bin Im, known in San Ramon as Pastor John, was charged with child concealment, unlawful sexual intercourse and animal cruelty on Tuesday. The bizarre list of charges were a shock for members of Im’s Contra Costa Korean Presbyterian Church. The youth pastor announced his resignation on Sunday, but didn’t explain why he was leaving. He told the police that he was the founder of The Living Well Ministries, a Christian non-profit that allegedly helped widows, homeless, and orphans.But he apparently never brought these high-minded goals home. The  Police also found two 17-year-old runaways living in the youth pastor’s house, BBCN1 reports.