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Showing posts from January, 2014

President of world Jewish congress says German museums turn blind eye to Nazi-looted art

Speech delivered by Ronald Lauder,president of the world jewish congress. Laszlo Balogh for Reuters  German museums are wilfully ignoring their duty to come clean about works they hold that were looted from Jews by the Nazis, the head of the World Jewish Congress said on Thursday, and the government must do more to force them to act. Germany has faced heavy criticism over its handling of the discovery of 1,407 Nazi-plundered works in the flat of Cornelius Gurlitt, an elderly recluse whose father took orders from Hitler to buy and sell so-called 'degenerate art' to fund Nazi activities.Since a magazine broke the story last November, debate over the rightful ownership of works stashed in the Munich apartment - including by masters such as Duerer, Delacroix, Picasso and Matisse - has grown into a wider controversy over thousands of paintings on open display in museums. "They know what's been stolen," WJC President Ronald Lauder told Reuters in an interview during a v

TBN's New president makes program changes

Jan Crouch || AT2W “Since the death of televangelist Paul Crouch Sr, his wife Jan Crouch became president of Trinity Broadcasting Network. Well, not just that, but she has begun to change the programming of the TBN network.    The founder of Endtime Ministries and host of the program End of the Age, Irvin Baxter, published the following announcement after been giving the axe. You probably have heard by now about the passing of Paul Crouch, founder and President of TBN. Paul believed strongly in Endtime Ministries and was a great friend of our program. With his departure, his wife Jan has assumed the management of TBN. I have never met Jan but apparently she does not have a strong interest in Bible prophecy. As a result, our program, as well as several other prophecy programs on TBN, has been discontinued. Wednesday, January 15th was our last time to air,'he said.  Now, even The Prophetic News blog reported on their removal of another TBN personality: About a week ago I got word tha

Islamist leader is sentenced to death

Matiur Rahman Nizami || Al Jazeera A Bangladeshi court has sentenced Matiur Rahman Nizami, the leader of the opposition Jamaat-e-Islami party, and 13 others to death for arms smuggling.Thursday's sentencing in front of a full courtroom comes just weeks after Bangladesh held general elections that were marred by violence.Defence lawyer Kamrul Islam Sazzad said those sentenced would appeal. "The verdict is nothing but political harassment. Justice was not done to my clients," he said. Jamaat-e-Islami is part of an anti-government coalition under former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia that has been calling on the government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to resign and boycotted the January elections, which Hasina's coalition won amid street fighting, a boycott and low turnout.Paresh Barua, a former Indian rebel commander, was also convicted in absentia and also received the death penalty. Others included a former deputy interior minister, Lutfozzaman Babar, and a former dire

Islamic relief organisation distribute winter aid in Najran

The International Islamic Relief Organization (IIROSA) distributed winter aid through its relief campaign to the less fortunate in Al-Kharkhir in Najran.IIROSA volunteers distributed food baskets containing rice, sugar, oil, milk, tea and many other products worth over SR200,000 to hundreds of families in Al-Kharkhir.The organization facilitated distribution and also provided financial assistance to 181 families worth SR362,000. Gov. Al-Kharkhir Mohammed Al-Shahran expressed his gratitude for the assistance provided in this regard. The acting secretary-general of the relief organization said that with the help of Saudi donors, the group will not hesitate to provide its assistance to the needy. “IIROSA is committed to positively impacting poor and marginalized communities locally and internationally,” he said.The organization has earlier distributed foodstuff and clothes worth SR900,000, benefitting 3,000 families.. Click here for more brief

LETTER: Imprisoned Pastor in Iran to Annie Graham

Annie Graham|| BCNN1 And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age"  (Matt. 28:20, NIV). None of us knows what the new year holds. Will my daddy move to our Father's house? Will my husband get stronger or more feeble? Will the stock market crash or keep soaring? Will the Middle East erupt in a war that drags the rest of the world into it? All of the uncertainty can give us pause and cause us to step gingerly into the new year. Except for one fact. One certainty. One shining, undisputable truth. God is there! This confident hope is eloquently expressed in the following note that was written by pastor Farshid Fathi. Pastor Farshid is incarcerated in the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran, Iran, because of "the word of God and the testimony of Jesus" (Rev. 1:9). His thankfulness for the past, his clear vision for the future and his heartfelt joy in the present have been such a personal challenge to me that I wanted to share his words with you: "Dear br

REPORT: White House dedication to fight for religious freedom

President Barack Obama says his administration is committed to promoting religious freedom across the globe.CBN News correspondent Jennifer Wishon asked White House press secretary Jay Carney to give some examples of how the administration is promoting religious freedom and assuring Americans it's doing everything it can to help persecuted Christians in Iran. "Well absolutely we are appealing to the Iranian government when it comes to those who are being held, and we have, and I have raised it frequently from this podium, and we continue to do that," Carney responded. "Broadly, we aggressively support religious freedom around the world and make clear our opposition to policies and countries that restrict religious freedom, and that's a broad, comprehensive effort." Despite America's new nuclear deal with Iran, Carney says the administration's position toward Iran's human rights atrocities and ties to terrorism remain the same.Meanwhile,Dr Robert

LIVE: Nick Vujicic contradicts US bullying epidemic

Nick|| christianpost Nick is going live on the Internet to contradict the bullying epidemic in the u.s during a free webcast on Thursday.The best selling author and founder of 'life without limbs' is hostingthe event in connection with the release of his book stand strong on April 15. 'Nick has experiencedbullying of all kinds for being different', organizers of the event states. 'But he's learned that he doesn't have to play the bully's gameand neither do you. In 'stand strong ', Nick gives you strategies for developing a bullies defence system ', so you ca handle bullies of  all  kind by building your strength from the inside out. The prominent post continues with no arms, no legs and no defense.. Click here for more brief

Kenya’s President and Vice President is urged to visit Kisumu Sikh Temple

Kisumu Singh Sabha C airo Road, Milimani, |Post Box 132,  Kisumu, Kenya | muslimtimes Hindus have urged Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta and Vice President William Samoei Ruto to show strong political will to take care of country’s minorities in view of recent Kisumu incidents. Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, reminded Kenyatta of his “core value” to “treat everyone fairly”. Zed pointed out to Ruto that if he wanted to “Transform Kenya into an Economic Power House”, Kenya needed to protect its minorities in order to attract foreign investments.According to reports, a monument in lakeside Kisumu, depicting a praying person and approved by the county, commissioned by Sikh community to commemorate over 100 years of Sikh presence in Kisumu, was removed last week following mob vandalizing. Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, stated that discrimination and unfairness faced by the Sikhs on the monument issue in Kisumu should not be acceptabl

Tent city in central African Republic swells as violence grips central

Adams Nossitter|| BANGUI, Central African Republic — The streets of this capital city's center are nearly empty. A few citizens slowly walk the wide boulevards, outnumbered by French troops patrolling after recent deadly violence. The battered buildings remain, but much of the city's population has disappeared.It has rematerialized in a makeshift town by the airport at the edge of the real city. Almost anything can be bought in muddy paths of the impromptu market that has sprung up: flip-flops, dried fish, a haircut, yams, baguettes, gasoline, cheap handbags, okra, coffee, eggs, manioc fritters, clothes custom made by tailors sitting at old sewing machines. More than 100,000 people have moved to this rough, chaotic tent city in less than a month. In all, two-thirds of Bangui has picked up and moved, according to the United Nations. The new city — grimly called the Ledger by its inhabitants after the five-star hotel on Bangui's heights packed with governmen

Live: Joel Austin with Larry King talks about Duck Dynasty, Obamacare and homosexuality ;'though bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin,there are a lot of things I don't understand, so I don't just want to preach about it,' said Austin

Megachurch pastor of Lakewood Church and televangelist Joel Austin    was a guest on Larry King Now in Los Angeles to talk about everything from Duck Dynasty to Obamacare — and, of course, his views on the gays came up.King asked Osteen, "What are your views on homosexuality?" to which Osteen replied "The same that they've been. I believe that scripture says that it's a sin but I always follow that up by saying you know what, we're not against anybody."King pressed him to explain, commenting, "How can it be if we don't know what causes it? You don't know why you're a heterosexual.""There's a lot of things Larry that I don't understand- so I just don't want to preach on it, preach about it," Osteen said. Click here to WATCH VIDEO King enquired, "Does gay marriage annoy you?" Osteen said, "It doesn't annoy me. From a scripture point of view, it's not what my faith would teach, but it doesn&

world watch list revals that North korea is still the greatest persecutors of christians

Leader of communist North Korea, Kim Jong|| BCNews For the 12th consecutive year. the hermit Communist country of North Korea remains the world’s most restrictive nation in which to practice Christianity, according to the Open Doors 2014 World Watch List (WWL). However, a major trend the WWL tracked in 2013 was a marked increase in persecution for  Christian communities in states that are commonly regarded as “failed.” A failed country is defined “as a weak state where social and political structures have collapsed to the point where government has little or no control.”The top 10 countries where Christians faced the most pressure and violence in the 2013 reporting period of the 2014 WWL are North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran and Yemen. For the complete list, go to . Overwhelmingly, the main engine driving persecution of Christians in 36 of the top 50 countries is Islamic extremism, with the most violent region bein

Gay blogger writes to straight christians: Do not confuse your best with God's best

A gay blogger has a piece of advice to Christians who tell him he should leave his homosexual lifestyle, Don't confuse your best with God's best Azariah southworth, who maintains that God affirms his homosexuality, recently wrote a Blog post about lessons that straight christians must learn. In it he suggested that conservative christians who believe that homosexuality is a sin are mistaken in their interpretation of Bible. When you tell me my life would be better with x,y,z you are minimizing my relationship with Christ. 'I have a different interpretation of a couple verses in the bible,' he wrote. ' I have reconcile my faith and my sexual orientation. There has to be respect for my personal journey with God'. Southworth, formerly host of "The Remix", a popular christian music program,has spoken openly about his negative experience in the church which include ex - gay counselling.But despite what many preachers say in condemning homosexuality, he insi

Snake salvation pastor: Grand Jury discharges Andrew Hamblin.' He will not get back his snakes,' said wild fire officials

Pastor,church of God holds snake while preaching || christianpost Star of the national geographical reality show,'snake salvation' and pastor, church of God in Lafollete Tennesse has been discharged from all his charges. ' That doesn't mean he will  get back the 53 snakes that ha been confiscated from his church last November', said officials. Hembalin who was discharged on Wednesday for violating Tennesse's ban on snake handling pleaded not guilty a saw his handling of snakes as a form of religious Freedom." That is my God given right in the United states;if God moves on me to take up a serpent,i can take up a Serpent," Hamblin said at the time.' They came right into the house of God and made them(snakes) away. That would be no different if they just came and made away with your Bible out of first baptist.' I didn't see this matter as a religious freedom case but public safety ,'said Lori Philips Jones, a prosecutor alongside officials

Pope baptizes 32 babes in Sistine chapel

Frances D' Emilo/ VATICAN CITY — With wails resounding amid the splendor of the Sistine Chapel, Pope Francis on Sunday baptized 32 infants, and at one point in the ceremony told mothers to feel free to feed their crying babies. Formally welcoming the children as members of the Catholic church, Francis poured water from a shell-shaped dish over the heads of the babies held in their mothers' arms. Francis pronounced the babies' names one by one, as beaming parents held their children, dressed in white satin or silk gowns and other finery, in the chapel whose ceiling was frescoed by Michelangelo. In the same chapel in March, Francis was elected as the first Latin American pope. He is the first pope to choose the name Francis. Among the children were two Francescas. It wasn't clear if Francis, whose cheerfulness and warmth draw huge crowds to the Vatican, might have inspired the choice of those names.In keeping with his down-to-earth style and his drive to make

Christians murdered for Faith nearly Doubled in 2013, group finds

By Joshua Rhett miller||fox news Rev. Faye Pama Musa knew immediately why suspected Boko Haram militants burst into his home last year as his wife prepared dinner in the family’s northeastern Nigeria home. His stance against Christian persecution in the divided African nation had long made him a target. Musa, who served as the general overseer of the Rhema Assembly International Church and secretary of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in Borno, saw the intruders near the front door of his home in Maiduguri as his wife, Mercy, prepped food. One of the couple’s daughters, Zion, had spotted the armed men just seconds earlier jumping a fence.“Today you are a dead man,” one of the gunmen reported said on May 14 as he dragged Musa to the porch. “Call your Jesus to help you, Mr. CAN man!” Zion Musa then begged the attackers to spare her father, a request met with a misfired bullet that caused her to faint. She survived but her 52-year-old father – a man who worked closely with Open

Body lies in state: Isrealis pay last respect to ex-prime minister

Mourners pay their last respect to ex- prime Today a legend lies in state in front of Knesset, the countries parliament after being in Coma for close 8 years. Amongst dignitaries that paid homage were Isreali's president, Shimon peres, Prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu; Isreali's president Shimon peres pays hi las respect U.S delegates led by vice president Joe Biden,ambassador to Isreal, Daniel shapiro and U.S Reps Eliot Engel.Clothed round the casket was the blue and white Isreali's flag. As mourners gather to pay respect, tributes were read 'Sharon is indeed a warrior and also a commander in Jewish regiment. The greatest generals in the century and throughout history, 'Netanyahu said. He did  Play the central role in the struggle for security in Isreal throughout its regime.Old soldier neve die rather fade away. 'Aerial Sharon faded away 8 years ago and now we truly say goodbye to him , justice minister Tzipi Livni wrote in the tribute In on of Sharon's

Mcconnels Bethesda Presbyterian church to ordain its first black elder

MCCONNELLS during the period when Alberta Anthony joined Bethesda Presbyterian church in MCCONNELLS three years back, she felt a great sense of peace. Standing beneath the sanctuary's chandelier, she gazed at the balcony where her forefathers and her husband's-The Anthony's and the Davidson's-once settled. That was standard in many York County churches prior to the Civil War: White parishioners sat in pews;their slaves worshiped in the balcony. During Sunday's 11 a.m. service, Anthony willbe one of six elders ordained at the historic church,which was initiated in 1769. Three men and three women comprise the latest class of elders that will serve for three years.Anthony is the first black church member elected as a Bethesda elder."I feel like this is drawing me closer to God,"Anthony said. "I'm not doing this in opposition,not with an ethic... In heaven it will be blacks and whites." Bethesda's spiritual mentor, the Rev.Daniel Smoak, calle

Govt: Dobson makes it clear his ministry will not comply with the birth control mandate

Image: black Christiannews Dr. Dobson did not hold back Thursday during an interview regarding his organization, Family Talk, and its challenge of a federal mandate for employers to cover abortifacients.   “We are suing [HHS Secretary] Kathleen Sebelius for forcing or trying to force all of us to give abortifacient medications to our employees,” he summarized on American Family Radio, “and I just absolutely refuse to do it. We’ll close down before I’ll do it.” Several other employers are challenging the mandate, including the for-profit Hobby Lobby.“Ours is a Christian non-profit,” he explained. “[The government has] exempted churches from having to do this, but they’ve concluded that other Christian non-profits are not ‘Christian enough.’” In a latter last year's to his supporters, Dobson vowed he would not comply with the mandate. Click here for more brief 

Isreali's ex- prime minister is dead

Image:guardian Ariel Sharon,85, a well notable prime minister of Isreal is said to be dead after a long coma on Saturday at Tel Aviv hospital. He is said to have been in coma after a debilitating stroke. Sharon's long and political and military career encompassed some of the most historic event in Isreal history and shifted the countries foreign policy towards its Arab neighbours.His credits thus: he lead the team in the 1967 six days war which made them occupants of the sinai area. He is considered one of the greatest military strategist and field commander. Politics- He ordered withdrawal of Isreal settlers in Gaza in the year 2005 which stunned many people especially Isreali,b/c he was a zionist who believed that Jews must defend the land connected to their history and culture and not be overly dependent on outside forces- read  more .  Ariel Sharon whose birth name was Ariel schienerman,was born on Feb 27, 1928 on a farm called Kfar Malal,a short distance north of Tel Aviv. His

Soldiers join the killing of Christians in Nigeria village

Image: Survivors of the Jan 6 killing of not less than 33 christians in a village in Plateau state, Nigeria said special task force (STF) soldiers stationed to protect them joined in the shooting and slaughter on those fleeing the attack. Antele Alamba,25, reporting from her hospital bed with bullet wounds in her leg told news agency tha hundreds of Muslim fulani herdsmen armed with guns and matchets attacked shonong village in Riyom local government area. They did so unprovoked, burning homes and butchering women an children."Before we knew it, the soldiers who were protecting us, joined fulani herdsmen armed shooting and got most of us killed", Alamba said as tears dripped down her cheeks. She added,' I was shot by soldiers I ran to for protection. We were all trapped in the village as there was no way for escape. We ran to the church premises and some soldiers ran after us. They were shooting and the herdsmen were shooting too. It was chaos and confusion

Former chuch member threatens sporadic shooting

Calvary church; image christian post Former church attendee,Brian Jaramillo of Calvary church in Albuquerque,New Mexico has posed a threat to the church after series of Email he sent.Notwithstanding,the Albuquerque based Calvary church still held its normal weekly Wednesday night service on the 8th of January. 'We are not scared of any shooter.My boys do a lot of training to prepare for incidence like this',Vince Harrison,calvary church safety and security c ordinator told CP. Harrison also added that the church felt it had to take stronger security precautions after the attendee's email at the beginning of the week.Harrison also added that Jaramillo had made in person and and email threats to four other church members in December. Jaramillo's threat was said to have happened when roughly 20 churches i the area have come together to share info about violent threats with one another. It was through this means that calvary church was first told about the mass threat The c

Evander Holyfield condemns the sin of homosexuality

One of the most famous boxers of all time and celebrity 'BBA' contestant Evander Holyfield made a statement about the sin of Homosexuality that attracted attention.Whether he will get the Phil Robertson, Duck Dynasty treatment treatment is left to be seen Here Is the quote : "The only thing I'm trying to tell know how handicapped people are born? You can't say,cause they were born that way you can't move That , " he said. Adding, 'its own choice. come on, that ain't the way nobody is ain't gay unless you sleeping with the opposite sex'.Very powerful quote    Yet the LGBT community always have a problem when the truth comes out. At the end of the article in the pro homosexuality newspaper, the sins of Evander were conveniently  Yes he fathered 11 children from 3 different women. No questions about it... Click here for more brief

An estimate of 50,000 books burned in Christian library in Lebanon over blasphemy claim: US leader says 'violent Hysteria' spreading in the muslim world

American leaders announced the burning of a christian leaders library in Tripoli, Lebanon last Friday night as based on false pretenses and said it is a threat to religious liberty. The real bad news is that it is not out of  Image: Reuters ordinary ,"Robert P.George  Chiarman of the United States commission on international religious freedom ( USCIRF)  told Religious Broadcast in an interview on Monday.George emphasized the need to advocate for religious freedom across the world to prevent attacks like this one. The Friday night fire burned two - thirds of some 80,000 books and manuscript in the Al - saeh library owned by Greek Orthodox priest Ibrahim Surouj, CP reported. The arsonist targeted Surouj due to an alleged pamphlet insulting the prophet mohammed was found in on of the library book. When Surouj met with Islamic leaders in the city he stated he has nothing to do with the pamphlet.International security forces Brig.imad Ayyoubi also denounced the connection."father

Random talks and 2014 projectioons- Pastors

  Tunde Fagbenle. Image: And I say projections, not predictions. Prediction is what the herd of religious pastors, especially of pentecostal hue do in Nigeria particularly at this time of ushering a new year in. I have never stopped  to be baffled by it all, those hoodwinking balderdash they call predictions. And I'm more angrily perplexed at those(and they are in the millions) who lend their ears, let alone of hearts, to them. I don't believe in any of them. Indeed I don't even bother to listen or read to them both the message and the messenger. It's nothing more than a half- clever juggling of probabilities, no more than the pool gambling permutations, two from five,or any three from ten! The only difference is  whereas in the pool game you lose your money if you don't make the minimum number permed,these God-forsaking so-and-so don't loose anything, not money no face, by not making any number. Their blinded followers ensure that. If just one more

Malaysian bible seized

Image: BBC news More than 300 Bibles from the bible society have been seized by Islamic authorities in Malaysia because they use the word Allah to refer to God.People of all faith use the word Allah to refer to their gods but a court railed in Oct that non- Muslims could not use it But there are claims that the row is political, a way For prime minister Rajib Razak to boost his support with the Muslim majority as well as deflect attention from his cuts to food and fuel subsidies . click here for more brief Image: BBC news The Malaysia language bible was seized from the Malaysian bible society in the state of Selangor near the city, kualar Lumpur

This catholic priest was found dead in Eureka, Califonia

Catholic priest Rev Eric Fred has been found dead.So far police do not have a suspect or know why someone would kill Rev Freed.This is very sad saints of God,not long after new year celebration  more brief

Homosexual parents: Pope calls for the church to take fresh approach,a vaccine against faith

Pope Francis has called for a rethink in the way the Catholic Church deals with the children of gay couple an divorced parents, warning against'administering a vaccine against faith' On an educational level, gay union raise challenges for us today which for us at sometimes difficult to understand, "Francis said in a speech to the Catholic union of superiors general in November, extracts of which where published on Italian media websites on Saturday.The number of children in school whose parents have separated is very high,'he said, adding that family make-ups were also changing.I remember a case in which-  more brief

YEAR 2014: Pastor Enoch Adebayo Prophectic Declaration

The Nigerian Pastor and general Overseer, Reedemed Christian Church Of God(RCCG) made this declaration known to touch individuals, the nation Nigeria and world at large.Here is his declarations -Individual; God said a divine promise of more than a decade ago will begin to find fulfillment. Someone can expect a prominent divine visitation that will radically alter the course of his or her life Someone will have the first taste. There will be quiet a fewnarrow escape of tragedies. -Nigeria; The future of Nigeria will be determined this year and not in 2015.The equation at the beginning of the year will be different from equation at the year end. Therefore .. Read more