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Isreali's ex- prime minister is dead

Ariel Sharon,85, a well notable prime minister of Isreal is said to be dead after a long coma on Saturday at Tel Aviv hospital. He is said to have been in coma after a debilitating stroke.

Sharon's long and political and military career encompassed some of the most historic event in Isreal history and shifted the countries foreign policy towards its Arab neighbours.His credits thus: he lead the team in the 1967 six days war which made them occupants of the sinai area. He is considered one of the greatest military strategist and field commander.
Politics- He ordered withdrawal of Isreal settlers in Gaza in the year 2005 which stunned many people especially Isreali,b/c he was a zionist who believed that Jews must defend the land connected to their history and culture and not be overly dependent on outside forces- read moreAriel Sharon whose birth name was Ariel schienerman,was born on Feb 27, 1928 on a farm called Kfar Malal,a short distance north of Tel Aviv. His parents emigrated from Russia and his maternal side Was wealthy but had to flee the country during the Russia revolution.His father was a zionist youth leader and at the young age of 10, Sharon joined the zionist youth movement name Hassadeh, and by 14, joined Gadna, a paramilitary youth  battalion.


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